
Have you ever seen a homeless person holding a sign asking for money or for food – and you wonder why SOMEBODY isn’t doing SOMETHING to help? Or, while you are driving around, you see trash by the side of the road and wonder why SOMEBODY didn’t pick that up. Well, what I hope you come away with when you look at our Kids Making a Difference Page or watch the inspiring videos below, is that YOU are that SOMEBODY.

I want you to know that even though we are still kids, we CAN change our world. Students For Safe Water realizes that while people want to help, they don’t always have extra money or resources. If you can’t donate funds, think about other ways you can help. Think about using your special talents to lighten someone else’s load. Give a little bit…and together we can achieve great things!

The videos below show how individuals and companies are doing their part to make the world a better place. My favorite quote is, “I wondered why somebody didn’t do something. Then I realized, I am somebody.” I hope you never forget YOU are SOMEBODY with the power to make a difference. Enjoy these videos!